Career Connection Q&A

Publication: Virginian-Pilot & Ledger Star (Norfolk Va.)

Section: Career Connection

April 15th, 2007


Q: I read that several states have or are considering legislation allowing employees to bring guns to work! And just this week there were workplace shootings in a Detroit suburb and in Atlanta. Are the people pushing guns at work out of their minds or what? -- D.E.L.

A: A new national study of 506 employed adults released by San Francisco psychologist and career counselor Rachelle Canter, Ph.D., says that 14 percent of U.S. workers report workplace incidents they characterize as "desk rage" and that 10 percent fear their workplace might not be safe.

The gun lobby argues that workers' rights and property rights are the issue, insisting that workers be allowed to have guns in the trunks of their cars parked on company lots. I personally do not know anyone who thinks it's a good idea to bring guns to the workplace. This issue is far from over.

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